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Neo-Luddite Research Seminar

Today from 3-6pm the monthly session of the Neo-Luddite Research Seminar (ASCA) will be hosted in BuzzHouse.

This research group attempts to examine our approach to work and technology from a neo-luddite perspective. Rather than idealising a fully-automated future, we take actual existing technology as a starting point to discuss issues like degrowth, anti-work politics, the right to repair, and technological surveillance in the workplace. By examining the work of scholars like Walter Benjamin, David Noble, Sarah Jaffe and Virginia Eubanks, alongside contentious radicals such as anarcho-primitivists, hackers, and housewives, we attempt to provide a new framework to understand our collective relationship to both labour and tools. The participants of the Neo-Luddite Research Seminar do so through monthly meetings in which they discuss texts and welcome external speakers, from both academia and social movements, who are problematising our collective relationship with technology.

During the seminar the Round Room of BuzzHouse will be closed. You are still able to make use of the Open Space.

April 7

Film-Philosophy Seminar (private)

April 11

Wicked Challenges in Health